Prevent $1,000s In Costly Car Repairs!
FIXD alerts you of 7,000+ potential issues with your car in real-time

See exactly why “Check Engine Light” is on
Continuously monitors your car for any problems
View repair estimates before going to mechanic
Diagnose Your Car’s Health Right On Your Smartphone!
FIXD instantly tells you why your ‘Check Engine Light’ is on, how severe it is, and how much the repair should cost (all in simple and easy to understand terms)!
Easily plugs into any gas, diesel or hybrid car – model year 1996 and newer (no tools or pros required!)
Like having a mechanic in your pocket – alerts you of 7,000+ potential issues with your car in real-time.
Link multiple FIXD sensors to one account to monitor every car in your driveway.
Now understanding your car’s health is simple!

Over 50,000 Devices Sold Every Month!
How FIXD Keeps Your Car Running Smoothly

Check Engine Light
Get notified when the check engine light comes on and see how many problems were detected.

Maintenance Timeline
See the manufacturer recommended maintenance timeline for your vehicle so you know when you’re due for service.

Mileage Detection
Our algorithm determines your mileage so we can alert you when you are approaching important maintenance.

Continuous Monitoring
FIXD will alert you if we have detected a problem with your vehicle.

Vehicle History
See a history of problems detected in your vehicle to keep a running log.

Multi-Vehicle Control
Remotely monitor the health and status of other vehicles with a FIXD sensor.
Using FIXD is Simple and Easy!

Plug FIXD Into Car Port
Takes less than 60 seconds and anyone can do it! No tools or professionals needed.

Sync FIXD With Phone
Connect FIXD to the free app on your phone using Bluetooth. Available on iOS & Android.

FIXD Does The Rest
Get notified of any issues with continuous monitoring, preventing $1000s in costly repairs.
See What People Are Saying

“Saved me from being stranded!”
This is one of my favorite gadgets of all time. No more going to a shop to get the check engine codes checked and interpreted by someone else. It also alerted me while I was driving that I had two new codes. I drove immediately to the place I intended to get it repaired and the mechanic told me if I hadn’t brought it in when I did, I might have to pay for much more costly repairs and my car breaking down on me. The app is also constantly being updated and made better.
“FIXD works perfectly!”
We got the 2 sensors deal, so my wife and I could decipher that dreaded check-engine light. Although we ran into a few installation issues; thanks to timely, excellent and extraordinary technical support from Casey and Davis at FIXD, those issues quickly became a thing of the past. In summary, these guys are the bomb! I highly recommend FIXD.

Michael P.

April M.
We bought 3 of them so we could monitor the wife’s and daughters car even when they are not at home. What a great product and well worth the money!! About time that someone used their head to market a product that is not only useful but gives the dad peace of mind and help with service reminders as well!!! Great job, guys!!!!!!